The most comprehensive set of IELTS Reading tricks are compiled in this post. IELTS Reading is not a simple reading comprehension test, but a test which is tricky as it examines the test-takers’ ability to understand the twists in English language too. IELTS test, in India is conducted by IDP and is the second test on the booked exam-date. 

Herein, we are going to look in detail the tricks that you would need to build in you apart from an IELTS course with Engramm

IELTS Reading format

There are multitude of details about IELTS Reading and few of the bare facts are

  • 40 questions to be answered in 60 minutes
  • 3 sections in IELTS Reading – be it IELTS Academic or IELTS General
  • There are various types of questions including gap-fill, match the following, complete the notes, True/ False/ Not Given , Note complete etc

It is very important that few other reading tricks that should be practiced for succeeding in IELTS Reading

IELTS Reading tricks

These IELTS Reading tricks form the part-1 of 2-part series. 

Learn Paraphrase

This is the most important IELTS Reading trick

It is always paraphrased and the text can tell you if your answer is right

It means that for ANY correct answer will need to choose from the options, there is ALWAYS a paraphrased fragment in the text that says absolutely the same.

The IELTS reading test is designed to test your understanding of language complexities.

It will assess your ability to understand the same (or similar) ideas hidden behind different wordings and expressions.


If you read in the usual slow, relaxed way you will not pass the IELTS Reading test.

Learn to skim and scan. These reading techniques use rapid eye movement and keywords so that you are able to move fast through text.

Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material. Here is an overview:

1. Read the first paragraph attentively to get an idea of what the text is about.

2. Pay attention to the first few sentences of every paragraph, this will give you the main idea of the text.

3. Always read the last paragraph thoroughly as this normally contains the summary.


Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts.

The questions in the IELTS reading test will often include dates, names, numbers, new terms that are part of your answers.

When you are scanning be sure to :

Always underline important specific information and numbers. You do not need to read every word. Look out for information like names, dates, figure, statistics etc

From the question, identify the keyword and then scan the text for it, and possible synonyms. This will help you find the answer more quickly.

It is important to be fast, focused and alert. You can’t allow yourself to be slow and relaxed.

You should spend no more than 3 minutes skimming the passage for your test.

Ideas are important, not the words

Re-read, and then rephrase it in your own words.

Explain to yourself what you have just read.

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helps you to focus on the ideas, the message rather than the words in front of you.

This is extremely important because the answer you are looking for has definitely been rephrased too.

Find proof in the text, underline and number.

This is a valuable IELTS Reading trick is this

Find the exact location of the rephrased answer in the reading passage. Compare it to the key words in your answer and rest assured that it is the ONE. That is the proof.

Then underline that rephrased line in the passage.

Then write the number on top of the question that is answered by that line. As simple as that.

You should do this to avoid relaxing and guessing during the reading test. This gives you the certainty that you have made the correct choice.

And yes, there’s always only ONE correct answer. Despite what many may think, there are no options. This is how the tests are designed. That is precisely why there is a very definite location of the correct answer in the text.

Is that all?

No!!!. There are few more tricks. They are compiled in IELTS Reading tips post. We want to keep it simple and hence small doses of useful information is shared with you.

A regular reading of our posts will not only help improve your reading skills, but also win in IELTS Reading
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IELTS related

  • IELTS Speaking Sample here
  • IELTS Reading tricks can be checked here
  • IELTS Reading tips can be checked here

IELTS General related

IELTS Academic related

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