Let's learn Vocabulary

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Meaning: a person, object or place selected as aim of an attack

Usage: To reach the target, the state’s vaccination rate will have to rise by 3.5% every week, said the secretary

Synonyms: end-point

Meaning: to identify or discover the presence or existence of something

Usage: The universe has sounds cannot be detected in the atmosphere.

Synonyms: expose, identify, recognise, reveal

Meaning: consisting of many different and connected parts

Usage: Indian National Highways are a complex network of 4-lane and 6-lane roads

Synonyms: intricate, complicated

Meaning: a conclusion reached on basis of evidence and reasoning

Usage: From her manner, one can draw the inference that she is a satisfied customer

Synonyms: deduction, conclusion, hypothesis

Meaning: a very great extent or quantity, immense

Usage: The vast majority of fishes move towards the deeper parts of the sea during summer

 Synonyms: huge, extensive, broad, wide, infinite

Meaning: process of studying or examining (something) in an organised way

Usage: The police made an accurate analysis of the crime scene

Synonyms: examination, investigation, study

Meaning: facts or statistics collected together for reference or analysis

Usage: The data that was presented during the high-level meeting was insufficient to arrive at the execution strategy to solve the issue

Synonyms: facts, figures, details, particulars

Meaning: act of revealing or communicating the truth

Usage: Each successive revelation of incompetence costed him his job

Synonyms: disclosure, divulgence, declaration

Meaning: a process or a set of rules to be followed in calculations or problem-solving situations

Usage: Self-teaching algorithms will get better and better at making suggestions

Synonyms: computation, formula, calculation

Meaning: notice taken of someone or something

Usage: The evaluation of his answers drew attention to three spelling mistakes

Synonyms: awareness, notice, observation, consciousness

Meaning: establish or indicate who or what (someone or something) is

Usage: He was able to correctly identify the ingredients of the new dish

Synonyms: recognise, point out, pinpoint

Meaning: moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour

Usage: She resigned over an issue of personal ethics

Synonyms: morality, ideals, principles

Meaning: a way of carrying out a particular task

Usage: The newer medical devices and surgical techniques mean a shorter stay in hospital

Synonyms: approach, methodology, method, manner

Meaning: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions

Usage: Our objective was to secure a peaceful settlement with our opposition, said the Army General

Synonyms: impartial, unbiased, non-partisan, neutral

Meaning: based or influenced by personal feelings or opinions

Usage: We know that taste in art is a subjective matter

Synonyms: personalised, emotional, intuitive

Meaning: having the effect of predicting an event or result

Usage: The predictive power of this test does not mean its results are inevitable

Synonyms: anticipating, auguring, foreboding

Meaning: a feeling of extreme uneasiness of mind or brooding fear about some contingency

Usage: He was anxious that the weather would not improve in time for the party he was hosting

Synonyms: worried, concerned, apprehensive, fearful, uneasy

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