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Meaning: based or in accordance with logic or reason

Usage: I am sure that there is a perfectly rational explanation on what you did you just now

Synonyms: logical, reasoned, sensible

Meaning: an accepted standard, or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree with

Usage: The more he stepped out of the norms to please her, the more uneasy she became

Synonyms: standard, usual, normal, typics

Meaning: a set of accepted beliefs or organised principles that explain and guide an analysis

Usage: This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon

Synonyms: hypothesis, thesis, postulation 

Meaning: a proper or reasonable way of thinking about something

Usage: The economic logic of reform is inescapable

Synonyms: dialectics, argumentation

Meaning: a person or thing that succeeds another

Usage: This latest release is a worthy successor to their debut movie

 Synonyms: heir, heir apparent, inheritor, next-in-line, descendant, beneficiary

Meaning: an idea or theory that is expressed as a statement and is discussed in a logical way

Usage: The student’s experiments helped her formulate a thesis to share with her professor and classmates

Synonyms: theory, contention, argument, premise, postulation

Meaning: action or power of focusing all of one’s attention

Usage: The concentration levels of the students measured during the professor’s class was abysmal

Synonyms: attentiveness, application, absorption

Meaning: representing an exemplary standard within a traditional and long-established form or style

Usage:He devoted himself particularly to the study of the classical languages, and became unusually proficient in Sanskrit composition.

Synonyms: traditional, long-established

Meaning: exactly or sharply defined or stated

Usage: When I could not apprehend the meaning of the word precise, Srishti helped me with the precise usage and its meaning

Synonyms: exact, accurate, correct, error-free, pinpoint, specific, clear-cut, unambiguous

Meaning: in contrast or comparison with the fact that

Usage: Both of my parents went to high school whereas I completed my doctorate programme

Synonyms: although, though

Meaning: relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces

Usage: The military regime has promised to restore democracy soon

Synonyms: armed, service, defence

Meaning: relating to the body as opposed to the mind

Usage: People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of the day

Synonyms: bodily, corporal, material

Meaning: confirming to a standard; usual, typical or expected

Usage: It is quite normal to feel thirsty in the morning after consuming the medicines, advised the doctor

Synonyms: usual, standard, common, ordinary, customary

Meaning: the extent of subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant

Usage: The company’s management discussed the scope of market acceptance of the newly introduced vaccine

Synonyms: area, extent, range, span

Meaning: a person engaged or learned in philosophy

Usage: How can a man be a philosopher and not maintain his vital heat by better methods than other men?

Synonyms: theorist, thinker, speculator

Meaning: existent for a longer time than usual time or continuously

Usage: In advanced stages, the patient will suffer persistent coughing, breathlessness and fever

Synonyms: tenacious, persevering, resolute, single-minded, tireless, non-stop

Meaning: suppose to be the case, without proof

Usage: She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency

Synonyms: presume, suppose, take for granted, conclude, deduce

Meaning: acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate

Usage: She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency

Synonyms: dependable, persistent, logical, rational, steady

Meaning: to exert the supreme guiding influence on the ambition

Usage: Different ideals dominate the party in different states

Synonyms: control, influence, command

Meaning: a person who purchases goods and/ or services for personal use

Usage: Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to faster growth

Synonyms: purchaser, user, end-user, client, patron

Meaning: open to more than one interpretation; not having an obvious meaning

Usage: The disaster preparedness plans are ambiguous and it remains unclear how they will be applied in a crisis

Synonyms: unclear, opaque, obscure, puzzling

Meaning: extremely large, huge, gigantic

Usage: These were due to an enormous amount of exceedingly fine dust blown to a great height by that terrific explosion, and then universally diffused by the high atmospheric currents.

Synonyms: large, huge, vast

Meaning: a system of ideas and ideals

Usage: But without a unifying ideology, once the outside threat goes away the unity quickly disappears

Synonyms: beliefs, ideas, ideals, credo, dogma

Meaning: similar or comparable to something else either in general or in some specific detail

Usage: The whole process is exactly analogous to the operation by which a violin string or organ pipe creates an air or sound wave

Synonyms: comparable, parallel, similar

Meaning: move out or away from something and become visible

Usage:We assume that competent doctors emerge at the end of an obstacle course of traditional examinations based on facts

Synonyms: come out, make an appearance, appear, turn up

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